Saturday, September 7, 2013


Yesterday, my roommates and I went out to try to find a bookstore for school.  It turned into a long day of walking all around the city of Rome.  First, we took a bus towards CEA and stopped at the wrong bookstore.  Along the way, we stopped for gelato at Caffe Ciampini.  I got chocolate and stracciatella, as always, delicious!  In this area, we ran into some girls from our program which is crazy because Rome is such a huge city!  From there, we realized we were close to the Spanish Steps.  We walked up every slippery and slanted step, and then Rachel showed us a cool park at the top called Villa Borghese.  It felt like we were no longer in Rome, being surrounded by trees and people biking and running.  Reminded me of the fall foliage at home.  But, unlike at home, it is still VERY hot here at above 80 degrees every day.
On the Spanish Steps
Next, we continued on to find the bookstore, but still had no luck.  Eventually, we figured out that the Trevi Fountain was near, so we walked there.  It was very crowded but really pretty.  I was able to make a wish by throwing a penny into the fountain, which I think has already somewhat come true (speedy recovery for Grandma).  I also recently learned that the restaurant where Domina and Giovanni met is by the fountain.  I looked for it along the way, but I don't think we walked by it.  I definitely want to go back to get a meal there though.  At this point, we were all very tired, so we decided to go home and continue looking for the bookstore the next day (today).  We stopped at Pizzeria Florida (the second stop in the crawl from Wednesday) for a slice of pizza and finally arrived home.  Still no books... But I was glad to finally see some of the major sites of Rome.  
Fontana di Trevi
Finally, we had another great meal for dinner last night that I just have to list out.  We went to a restaurant where one of the managers is friends with one of my roommates.  First, we got delicious bread with olive oil and some (free!) wine.  Then, they brought out french fries (random but free! and also really delicious for an Italian restaurant).  I had been craving pasta all week since pizza is the faster, easier, and cheaper meal here.  I ordered the gnocchi al ragu with meat sauce and it was very satisfying.  Finally, they gave us free! chocolate cake for dessert with shots of limoncello.  We definitely have to go back a few more times, since they really took care of us and the food was delizioso.
My Gnocchi

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