Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Second Day of Classes

Today was my second day of classes at CEA.  First, I had Angels, Demons & Artists in Rome: Art through the Ages.  This class was very long but it seems like it shouldn't be too hard of a class.  Like my New Testament class, we go on site to different churches and monuments almost every class.  Next I ate my packed mortadella sandwich in the lounge.  I can already tell that the lounge is going to be my #1 hangout this semester because I usually have three classes a day with some gaps.  Since we live about 30 minutes away, it won't be worth it to walk back and forth between my apartment and the school unless I forget something.  After a break in the lounge, I had The Church and the Major World Religions.  This is my smallest class with only nine students and only one other Providence kid.  My teacher seems pretty laidback and funny, but we do have a paper and presentation that count for 40% of our grade.  As an accounting major, I prefer business classes that involve problem sets. I do not like classes with presentations and papers, which is basically ALL of my classes here.  I am pretty stressed about this but hopefully the overwhelming feeling will die down as I learn more about my teachers and the assignments.  After this class, Rachel, Emmy, Michelle, and I went to a pizza place for "linner" and we got a delicious nutella pizza for dessert.
After that, I went to my 4-5 Italian class, which is going to be a pain since it makes Mon.-Thurs. end late for me every week.  But, this is my favorite class because it's very exciting to recognize words and increase my ability to speak Italian with family.  After class, I did the walk home by myself for the first time.  It was relaxing to walk by the river and think about this experience.  It was also very hot!  I keep forgetting to put on sunscreen but the weather is still in the high 80's this week.  Tonight, I will be spending the rest of my night actually doing some homework...  Who knew you actually have work while abroad?  Shout out to Cate who forgot that I was even taking classes in Rome.  Wish me luck!

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