Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Colosseum and some great food

This morning before our on-site New Testament class, I went with Michelle to a cafe in Campo dei Fiori.  We both got croissants and coffee and stood at the counter while we ate.  Surprisingly, I enjoyed the black coffee, but I did have to put a packet of sugar in.  Then, we walked/took a bus with Rachel to the Colosseum meeting point for class.  While looking for our group, I took a few pictures of the Colosseum, but I didn't have time to take the standard selfie of me standing in front of it.  Hopefully, I will be going back a few times over the next few months so I can fulfill this wish.
After finding our class, we all walked to the church of San Clemente.  We got a guided tour by the art history professor at CEA.  The church has 3 floors underground with ancient stone and columns.  It was really interesting to see the ancient rooms of the 4th century.  After class, I had my first Roman metro experience in order to get back to campus.  I had management again today, and my teacher has grown on me.  The class seems like it will be my easiest class now, which is nice since some of the others are a bit stressful.  I also went to the bank and later today found out that I was charged $17 !! in international and withdrawal fees...  Mom told me to just pay the fees and not worry about it while I am here but that will add up to kind of a lot.  But I'm not going to let it stop me from doing what I want to do while I'm here.  Before my Italian class, some of my roommates and I went to a shop by school to get mini cannolis.  Mine had almonds and the ricotta cheese was so fresh.  Italian was my favorite class again today.  It goes by so fast!  
The best part of the day was our CEA-sponsored Pizza and Gelato Crawl.  First, we went to a bakery for a slice of plain pizza and a slice of pizza with only tomato sauce.  This type of pizza is most similar to the kind that Grandma makes.  These were really good, but kind of plain compared to pizza with multiple toppings, especially since cheese is my favorite.  After that, we went to another pizza place where we each were allowed two slices.  I got zucchini and potato.  They were both delicious, but the potato was a little better overall!  On our way to the gelato place, we passed the cat sanctuary...kind of gross to me, seeing as I strongly dislike almost all animals.  Moving on, we passed the Pantheon again and went to a gelato place that has over 150 flavors called Della Palma.  We were each allowed to get 3 different flavors.  Nostalgic for Toronto and since Grandma is constantly on my mind, I got Roche (like the Ferrero Roche chocolates, the best of the three), Kinder, and then the classic Mint Chocolate Chip.  It was really hard to narrow it down to these three flavors since they offer so many, so I definitely want to go back multiple times!  Overall I would say it was a great eating day.
Pizza and Gelato Crawl, in front of the Pantheon

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