Monday, September 2, 2013

Primo giorno di scuola

Monday, September 2: Today was our first day of classes.  Also, happy 23rd birthday Mike!  A quick recap of Sunday is that I broke the washing machine and went out for American food for the first time since Rachel was getting sick of Italian.  When I tried to do laundry, the machine suddenly stopped and my clothes were stuck in a pool of water.  I didn't really understand what was wrong so I took all of my clothes out even though they were soaking wet.  I eventually unplugged the washer and plugged it back in, and after that, the machine worked fine.  My clothes were already out at that point and they took forever to dry but at least now I know how to deal with that! At dinner, I got a fish burger with fries.  Then, I got ready for bed early before the first day of class.
Today, we left the apartment around 9:30 in the morning.  My first class was the New Testament theology class through Providence College. It is all 17 PC students plus 5 others, including two of my roommates, which is nice because there is some variety.  Most of the PC kids are only hanging out with each other instead of branching out to meet new people. It's interesting because kids from other schools don't think anyone from Providence is friendly except for a few.  They are so exclusive!  This class seemed okay for the first day, but I am worried because we have a 2 page paper due once a week.  It should be a cool class though because every Wednesday we go on site to a Church or historical place.  For example, this week we are going to the Colosseum which I am excited to finally see!  After class, Rachel and I ate lunch (I brought a mortadella sandwich and an apple) on the steps of our building.  Then, I had a 2 hour break until my next class.  I hung out in the lounge which was pretty boring since I had no homework but this gap will be useful once I do have homework.
My second class was Basic Operations Management.  The teacher made us stand up and give introductions to each other.  He seemed judgemental of why I want to be an accountant and I didn't love him...  This class has a lot of presentations which I am not too excited about and the teacher seems to really want everyone to be comfortable talking in a big group.  I guess that will be helpful in the long run.
Finally, I had Italian class.  This was my favorite class of the day.  The teacher kind of jumped right in to having us speak the Italian alphabet.  I had never heard the full alphabet spoken, so I was a little overwhelmed.  But, he was very nice and told us not to be stressed.  I love languages and I want to really make the most out of this class, so I am very excited.
After class, five out of the seven roommates walked back together and we didn't get home until 6:30!  It was a very long day and now we are all just hanging around on our computers.  Michelle and I got pizza from Core.  It was my third time there!  I got a delicious ham, cheese, and zucchini.  Then, five of us went back to Grom for gelato.  Tonight, I got hazelnut and coffee with whipped cream on top.  The coffee is very strong and of course delicious!
One thing that is really cool is how many people I have talked to who are in love with Rome.  Todd from the Slavin Info Desk job said that he is so jealous and excited for me.  My advisor sent me a recommendation of a restaurant near the Pantheon (which is close to me) and she even sent a picture of her with the owners!  It is also really cool that Domina said she knows exactly where I am after she saw a picture I posted on Instagram.

My roommates from left Venesha, me, Rachel, Caroline, Emmy (back) Michelle, Danielle (front)
Lungotevere Farnesina no. 2, Trastevere

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