Sunday, November 24, 2013

Florence and Barcelona: My 2 Favorite Trips So Far

Wednesday, November 13: No site visit for NT, instead we had a lecture.

Thursday, November 14: Tried to go to Campo dei Fiori to work on my Italian project with my partner, Nicole. We had to interview an Italian at the market but we went around 3, right as they were cleaning up for the day. So, all of the Italian workers were dismissive and no one would pause for our quick 5 minute interview. I had to go back Sunday. Shows how Italians are not always the friendliest people.
BUT, the day turned around when my roommates and I went to the Rome Hunger Games: Catching Fire Premiere that night. We got there pretty late and as we walked closer we heard screams. So, we started running and saw Liam Hemsworth on the red carpet. Since we were late, we didn't get to stand as close as some of the other fans but we did get to see Jennifer Lawrence and Josh Hutcherson pretty up close. It was a really cool experience and I am so glad I went! After the stars left, we tried to sneak in but it didn't work out. Amazing experience nonetheless. Can't wait to see the movie when I get home!

Josh Hutcherson

Jennifer Lawrence

Friday, November 15: My roommates and I woke up early and left for Florence! This was a trip that our program organized so after the quick train ride, we had a guided tour of Florence, which is very small. We saw some churches, a market, and the outside of the Duomo. Then, we went to the Uffizi and I saw the David, which was huge! After that, everyone from my program went to lunch at a really delicious restaurant called Gatto e Volpe. Next, we had some free time, so Michelle (who did a 3 week January term in Florence) took us to an awesome leather shop with a great discount. I got myself a nice new leather bag and I got a few gifts for family and friends. I love the feeling of buying gifts for people and I was glad to finally knock some people off my list. We also went to some great leather markets in the streets of Florence. That night, we went to a great panini place (way better than any panini I have had in Rome!) and then we went to a bar that Michelle had recommended which was pretty fun. 
In front of the Duomo

Saturday, November 16: Rachel, Danielle, Emmy, and I woke up early and got food at the market. Then, we did some last minute shopping which ended too soon! I wish I had more time in Florence; there was just so much opportunity for shopping! But we had a train to catch to Pisa. At the train station, we had some trouble buying tickets and a gypsy got a little too close but we finally made it to Pisa after rushing around all day. In Pisa, we met Kara from PC and continued moving quickly to the #1 TripAdvisor restaurant in Pisa, another panini place where I got delicious porchetta with pecorino romano cheese. At the Leaning Tower of Pisa, we had about 15 minutes to snap some pictures before grabbing a cab back to the train station in order to get back to Rome. It was so busy and we had little time but it's really all you need in Pisa. Once back in Rome, I was so tired but we had Kara visiting so of course we needed to show her some great Italian food. We went to Piazza Navona and then ate at Navona Notte where Kara, Rachel, and I had some good conversation mostly revolving around PC (which I'm really starting to miss!) That night, we were so tired but we got some gelato and then went to Scholars for a few hours.
Me in front of the Leaning Tower

Sunday, November 17: Rachel and I pretty much did our typical sightseeing day, this time showing Kara around Rome! Campo dei Fiori (I finally got my interview for my project), Trevi Fountain, lunch at That's Amore (this time I got an amazing pesto pasta dish), the Colosseum, gelato at the Island, we got pooped on by the crazy birds in Rome multiple times, the Vatican (pretty cool at night), and finally Dar Poeta! 
Vatican at night

Monday, November 18: With NT, we went to St. Peter's Scavi and toured below St. Peter's. It was pretty cool but also very hot and kind of claustrophobic.

Tuesday, November 19: With art history, we went to another palace with a lot of different paintings and very fancily decorated rooms. Got my paper back and did better than I thought: 90%.

Wednesday, November 20: We had another site visit with NT, this time at the Capitoline Museum. It was really cool with a lot of different statues. That night, Rachel and I left for BARCELONA! We got there late so we checked into our hotel and went to bed. Our plan was to sleep in since we had been lacking in sleep for weeks and we had 4 days to spend in Barcelona.
Medusa at the Capitoline Museum

Thursday, November 21: We slept until 11 and then ventured out to find an American breakfast place that I had previously looked up. It's called Brunch & Cake and it is literally that: amazing brunch and amazing cakes. We loved it so much that we went back almost everyday. So this first day, I got the eggs benedict which is served over a WAFFLE instead of an english muffin and it was one of the most amazing things I have ever eaten. I was so full after but I also tried the red velvet cake which was equally amazing. After our huge brunch, Rachel and I walked to La Sagrada Familia and waited in the pretty short line before buying tickets to go inside and go up the tower. Inside, there were so many pretty rainbow colors in all of the windows. I loved seeing a more modern church after so many ancient Roman churches! At the top of the tower, there were beautiful views. I think this had to have been my favorite day in Barcelona because of this. After spending about an hour there, we found a Starbucks, where Rachel got it for the first time since August. That night, we went to a place called Tapas 24 for some traditional Spanish tapas dishes. I had a McFoie burger with foie gras, these delicious fries with mayonnaise and spicy sauce, and a fried ham roll thing. Also, Rachel and I got some great sangria and our waiter kept saying "Fiesta!" It was a really great meal and we ended up paying 41 euro EACH (I think that's the most I have ever personally paid for a meal, but it was worth it). The tapas are so small but pricey so it adds up.
Brunch & Cake <3

Beautiful windows inside Sagrada Familia

Amazing view from tower

Top of Sagrada Familia

I loved this fries dish at Tapas 24

Friday, November 22: We went back to Brunch and Cake, this time I got a delicious french toast dish with blueberries and bananas. Then, we walked to La Rambla, a busy shopping street in Barcelona. After window shopping and walking the street, I found Dunkin' Donuts and got a Dunkaccino which tasted different than they do at home. I can't wait to get some real Dunkin' once I'm back home. Next to DD was the famous La Rambla market with rows and rows of places with all different kinds of food. Rachel had looked up that the specialty is their great fresh fruit juices. I tried a pineapple and strawberry that was really good! After looking around the market for awhile, we decided to continue to the port at the end of the street where we walked across a bridge and went into a cool mall. Then, we went back to the market and got some snacks; I tried a really good fried sausage and cheese stick. After shopping some more, we had lunch at a place called Wok to Walk which has good stir-fry to-go. It was nice to have a break from Italian food, even though I could eat it everyday! We continued shopping and I got some shoes from Zara. That night, we went to another Spanish restaurant and got a cheese platter, more sangria, and a refreshing goat cheese salad. Then, we went to Opium, a really cool club right on the water, where we had a great time dancing and ran into some other kids from our program!
French Toast

The Market

Fresh Fruit Juice

Cool Casa designed by Gaudi

Saturday, November 23: After sleeping in again, Rachel and I decided to walk to the FC Barcelona game that we had bought tickets to the week before. It was a 3 mile walk so we took our time and stopped somewhere for spinach quiche on the way. We pretty much walked the whole city which is pretty impressive. By the time we made it to the stadium, we had passed about 4 Starbucks and a lot of different shops and stores. We arrived to the game early and looked around at all of the cool souvenirs. We got some good sandwiches and beer and then found our way to our seats. They were the highest up possible but we still had a great view of the soccer field. The game was really fun and it went by so fast! FC Barcelona is such a good team that of course, they won 4-0 against Granada. It was really cool to see the spirit of the audience. Everyone clapped and they never "Boo-ed", something I hate that people do at home. I'm so glad I am able to say I've been to an FC Barcelona game in Barcelona! After the game, we walked all the way back to our hotel. Along the way, we stopped and tried some churros and chocolate. Then, for dinner, we went back to Brunch and Cake, where I had an interesting apple salad with scrambled eggs on top and a delicious brie, fig, and caramelized oninons sandwich. Love that place. We went to bed early because we wanted to hit up Park Guell the next morning before our flight back to Rome.

Huge Stadium!

Beautiful sunset during the game

Being artsy at my new favorite restaurant

Sunday, November 24: This morning, we woke up early and walked to Park Guell, a really cool park designed by Gaudi. We saw really awesome mosaics with a cool lizard and a pretty fountain. The best part was the amazing view of the city of Barcelona. After that, it was sadly time to leave Barcelona. I really loved this trip and I am so glad I was able to go! Next up is Prague for Thanksgiving.
View at Park Guell

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