Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Morgan in Rome!

Here is all I remember from the week leading up to Morgan's arrival:

Sunday, November 3: Rachel and I tried to go to Forno for lunch. I have been wanting to make it back there for pizza since the Pizza and Gelato Crawl and since Domina said she loved it when she was in Rome, but it was sadly closed. You never know when a restaurant in Italy might be closed for a break in the middle of the day. So, instead, we decided to go to Tony's. This was a sentimental lunch because on this Sunday, Tony's closed for two months since Tony is having surgery. It was weird to think that we won't be able to go back there anymore since our time abroad ends before they re-open. So that was my first goodbye to a place where I had some really great times. Until my next visit to Rome!

Tuesday, November 5: With art history, we met at Piazza Navona and learned about the Fountain of the 4 Rivers. Then, we saw some more churches and palaces, at least I think so… Our professor has started taking us on multiple visits in one class so everything is blending together and we have been on information overload.

And that's all that was interesting until Morgan came!

Thursday, November 7: The whole day was spent in anticipation of Morgan's arrival. I made brownies while I waited, and she finally showed up at my apartment around 10:30. It was so exciting to have another visitor from home in Rome. She got to meet most of my roommates and then we chatted and caught up for the rest of the night.

Friday, November 8: My New Testament class unfortunately had a Friday site visit, so Morgan had to come to class with me before we could officially start her sightseeing. But, it was kind of cool that she was able to experience what my classes are like. We went to Santa Sabina, which is one of the oldest churches in Rome. We were also able to see some of the chambers where a lot of important religious figures once lived. After the visit, Morgan, Rachel, and I were starving so we checked out the restaurant on the Tiber Island. Once we got there, it didn't open for another twenty minutes, but the gelato place next door was open… So, we got gelato before lunch and it was some of the best gelato I have had so far. At lunch, I had eggplant parm and it was delicious!
After lunch, we went to the Vatican, where there was a really long line for St. Peter's basilica. We decided not to wait in the line, but we saw the outside of all of Vatican City and Morgan was able to buy some souvenirs. Then, we walked towards the Castel and I showed Morgan most of what our everyday walk to school is. That night, Morgan and I accompanied Rachel to Termini where we met her friend who was also visiting for the weekend. Then, we all went to dinner together, after taking a few pictures in front of the Pantheon and at Piazza Navona, before going out for a night on the town in Rome!
Sora Lella: best eggplant parm


Dinner Friday night: Reunited!


Saturday, November 9: We woke up and walked to the Colosseum and went inside (this was my third time, did it for Morgan, but it is still really cool each time that you go in). Then, we got lunch at That's Amore (yet again, but it was important to show Morgan the best food in Rome). At lunch, she was able to get her first Italian cappuccino, too. Then, we went to the Trevi Fountain where Morgan was able to toss a coin over her shoulder and get the necessary pictures. That night, we went to Dar Poeta for dinner, where Morgan of course loved the pizza and thought the nutella and ricotta calzone was amazing. After chatting a ton and hanging out all night, we went to bed semi-early and sadly the trip was over before I even realized it had started!

Finally was smart and shared a pizza with Morgan (to leave room for dessert)

Sunday, November 10: Morgan left early in the morning :( It was so awesome to be able to share my life in Rome with her and I am so glad that she made the trip to see me. I plan on visiting her in Bath in December!
I spent the rest of Sunday working on my art history research paper. Worst paper of my life.

Monday, November 11: Art History Research Paper.

Tuesday, November 12: Handed in the paper this morning! With art history class, we went to three more churches AND a museum. The focus was on the works of Bernini and Borromini. This was actually very interesting and it was one of my favorite visits. However, we were all very tired from working on the papers so the class seemed to drag on and the huge amount of information was kind of overwhelming. But at least the paper is done and now I finally have some down-time! Rachel and I just bought tickets to an FC Barcelona game for next weekend which is very exciting. The countdown until the end of my semester has started and it is freaking me out how little time I have left. I have so much to do before I leave Rome and it is hard to imagine leaving this wonderful place.
Bernini's "Ecstasy of St. Teresa"

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