Friday, December 27, 2013

Last Weeks of Traveling

It is now December 27 and I have been home for almost 2 weeks. Now that Christmas is over and the cousins have left, I finally have time to update my blog since I was too busy to in Rome during the last couple of weeks. I miss it so much already!

Thursday, November 28: Happy Thanksgiving! Rachel, Emmy, Danielle, and I woke up and left for our flight to Prague! Once we got there, we got settled in our hostel and got some lunch (I tried mulled wine and did not enjoy it). Then, we explored the town square and did a little shopping before going out for Mexican food (on Thanksgiving, yes). That night, we met up with Brent and Sarah and went to a smoky and somewhat scary club before Rachel, Danielle, Sarah, and I ditched and went to bed earlier than the others.

Friday, November 29: Jacky and Melissa had taken Bus2Alps and arrived that morning pounding on the door to our room. We all got up and did most of our sight-seeing on this day. We started by getting some lunch where we tried traditional Czech goulash (it wasn't that good). Then, we headed to the Charles Bridge, the Castle in Prague, Golden Lane, and the John Lennon wall. Along the way, we also stopped at a really cute gingerbread shop and of course, Starbucks. Later, Rachel, Danielle, and I were sick of being in such a crowd so we found our way home on our own and stopped for some tredlnick (sp?) and chocolates. Then, we went to H&M where I got two cute head scarf things that are featured in most of my photos since then. Later, we tried to go on a bar crawl but ended up at the same place as the night before so we found a fun bar called Harley's and spent the night there instead.

Clock with times in all the world

Charles Bridge

Beautiful Prague


John Lennon Wall

Group from Roma in Praha

Saturday, November 30: Some of us woke up feeling a little sick so we took our time in the morning and stopped for a small lunch. Then, we went to a random mall and did some more shopping before heading to the Christmas markets and a Christmas tree lighting in Old Town Square. We got dinner at a random bagel shop and then rested at our hostel while thinking of what to do that night. Emmy came up with the best idea of going to see The Hunger Games: Catching Fire since we were in a country where almost everyone knows English. So that night, we went to the movies and it is now one of my favorite movies. I remember last year realizing that this movie would be coming out my Junior year while I was abroad. I thought it was so far away…but it came up so quickly! I've already seen it again with Cate and Emme since I have been home, that's how good it is.

Christmas markets

Lighting of the tree

Sunday, December 1: We all had to wake up early and check out of the hostel before flying back to Rome. Once we were back, the rest of the day was spent studying for finals. That night, we tried a new restaurant in Trastevere called Grazie e Graziella that had sauce just as good as Grandma's! I wish we had discovered it earlier.

Monday, December 2: I had my New Testament oral final and I thought it went pretty horribly. I do not like oral finals… But I managed to get an A- in the class overall.

Tuesday, December 3: I had my Art History final which I was very nervous about but went better than I thought.

Wednesday, December 4: I had my Business final which was an easy case study with questions. That night, I should have focused a bit more on studying but decided to go out to eat with some friends, where we discovered a cool Christmas market/fair type area in Piazza Navona. I got some nice Christmas ornaments there.

Thursday, December 5: Last 2 finals! World Religions which was a lot of information but I had studied a good amount. And Italian, harder than expected but still went well. That night, Rachel and I left for Dublin, where we were meeting Shelby for our last weekend trip! After meeting up at the airport in Dublin, we got burgers at 1 am and I felt a little sick after having such a large quantity of meat. Then, we went to our hostel which was in a kind of strange area but was relatively okay aside from the fact that they turn off the heat while normal people are sleeping (aka from 8 pm-8 am)...

Friday, December 6: We woke up early and caught our bus tour to the Cliffs of Moher. I still felt kind of sick from the burger but looking out the bus window, Ireland is so beautiful. We stopped in Limerick along the way for about five minutes to take some pictures. It was cool to at least say I have been there, especially because that is where Shelby studied! Then, we arrived at the Cliffs where we were dropped off at the end of a narrow and steep path. We walked along the path with the cliffs and the ocean right next to us. It was so beautiful! Then, we got back on the bus and got some Irish food in Doolin. After that, we stopped again at a really cute fishing town with little shops and cafes. That night, back in Dubiln, we rested in our hostel and then got some fish and chips. Then, we went to The Old Storehouse which is a famous bar in the Temple Bar area that had amazing live music with fun songs and people.


Cute fishing town

Cliffs with Rachel

Cliffs of Moher with Rachel and Shelby

Saturday, December 7: We slept in before going to Queen of Tarts for some delicious scones. Then, we walked to The Guinness Storehouse where we saw how the beer is made and got to pour our own pint of beer. The restaurant at the top of the factory had a great 360 view of Dublin at night. That night, we went to Whelan's where P.S. I Love You was filmed. Then, we got some good Mexican burritos and went back to The Old Storehouse.

Our group on the tour

Outside the brewery

Sunday, December 8: We woke up and got some delicious brunch at a place called Elephant and Castle. Then, we walked around and saw St. Patrick's Cathedral and St. Stephen's Green. Then, we all shared a cab back to the airport where we said goodbye to Shelby until January! That night, Rachel and I went back to Grazie e Grazielle in Rome for dinner one last time.

Monday, December 9: Last full day in Rome! After packing a little, Rachel, Emmy, Brent and I spent the day walking around Trastevere and beyond. We went to the ATM and grocery store to get our friends from home some nice European chocolate. Then, we went back to the Piazza Navona markets. We had lunch at Forno in Campo dei Fiori (finally!) where I think I tried three different slices of pizza because it was so good. We did some more shopping on via del Corso and threw coins in the Trevi Fountain one last time. That night, we all had to continue packing. Rachel, Emmy, and I went to Taverna Trilussa for our final Italian dinner together. Great food and great conversation.

Via del Corso

Bill from Taverna Trilussa

Tuesday, December 10: Rachel and I had to wake up at 4 am in order to begin our travels to visit Morgan in Bath! Our cab driver was kind of crazy but we made it to the airport and hopped on our Ryan Air flight. With about 30 minutes left on the plane, our pilot came over the speaker and said that we needed to land in Luton airport as opposed to Stansted (the original plan)…Then, they switched it to Gatwick. Rachel and I had already booked our train to Bath from the Stansted airport so our whole plan got messed up with this change. Once we got to Gatwick, we decided to go to an ATM where sadly, Rachel's card got sucked up. We were pretty emotional and annoyed by the change in landing at that point and that just brought us over the edge. But we had to keep moving to see if we could still make it to Bath. A woman in Gatwick helped us buy an Express ticket to the train station and assured us that we would make the last leg of our train to Bath. We got there at 11:31 and the 11:30 train had already left….. We had to buy another new ticket and waited for the next train at 12:30. It was all very stressful. But by 2, we had finally arrived in Bath where Morgan met us at the train station and I gave her a big hug! We walked to her house which was right down the street from the station. Bath was so cute and beautiful. I really loved it and was so glad we made it! Morgan showed us around the main shopping area and then took us up the hill to a wealthier area of townhouses and a pretty park with a nice view. Then, we got some tea and scones at a really cute cafe before Morgan dropped us off at the Roman Baths while she studied for her final. The Baths were really cool with multiple different pools and rooms where the ancient Romans used to relax. After that, Morgan met up with us again and we saw the Christmas markets in Bath. Then, we got dinner with some of her friends and saw the school where she had classes. That night, we went to a bar for about an hour and then watched a movie before passing out after such a long day!

The Roman Baths

Morgan and I at the bar

Rachel and I at the Baths

Wednesday, December 11: We woke up somewhat early again and got a final little breakfast with Morgan before heading back to the train station. Bath was really one of my favorite cities and I wish we had more time there but it was time to head to London where we were meeting Emmy for our final trip. We got on the train and arrived at the station where we were supposed to meet up with Emmy. After about 20 minutes of trying to find her, Rachel realized that Emmy's flight had been delayed so we took the Tube to Kara's flat where we were staying and waited for Emmy to meet us there. Once we were finally all together, we got some fish and chips and then did some shopping and tried to find Buckingham Palace. Instead, we stumbled upon Big Ben and then got on the London Eye at night for some great views. Then, we had dinner at a Greek restaurant and headed back to Kara's flat to go to bed.


Big Ben

The London Eye at night

Thursday, December 12: We woke up and got breakfast in Kara's neighborhood. Then, we were able to find Buckingham Palace and we also went to Winter Wonderland, a huge area with Christmas markets and tons of fair games and rides. London definitely had the best Christmas markets out of all of those that I went to in Europe. Then, it was time for our tour of Harry Potter studios. We took about an hour long bus ride and then had about three hours for our tour of the studio. It was really cool with the original sets of the great room and Dumbledore's office and so much more. We got delicious butterbeer and saw the house on Privet Drive and Ron's family's blue car, etc. and it all ended with the amazing model of Hogwarts. It was a really cool experience to be there and I want to read the books and watch all of the movies. That night, we got dinner at Chipotle for the first time in a long time before chatting with Kara and her roommates back at their flat.

Buckingham Palace

Great Hall of Hogwarts

Friday, December 13: We woke up and went to Primark which is similar to Forever 21 but way bigger. Then, we made our way to Harrod's, the huge department store with multiple floors and restaurants and sections. There, we had some tea and breakfast for our final meal with Emmy. After shopping and going in all of the different rooms, it was time to head back to Rome one last time which meant saying goodbye to Emmy :( We sadly but quickly said goodbye and then headed to the airport. That night, back in Rome, we finished packing and went to Dar Poeta one last time. Brent and Melissa stopped by to say goodbye and Brent got pretty emotional but we assured him that we will be visiting California ASAP. We packed late into the night and everyone started to leave for the airport. Danielle left first at 3 am then I slept for about 2 hours before saying goodbye to Michelle at 5 am. It was sad to say goodbye to everyone but I know we will keep in touch and reunite soon enough!

Saturday, December 14: At 7 am, I woke up again and helped Rachel get rid of all of our trash. Then, we took one last walk through Trastevere and she stopped at an ATM. At 9, our car arrived for the airport and we said our final goodbye to Venesha. The rest of my day was spent waiting at the airport in Rome, then flying to London Heathrow, waiting at that airport and then finally settling in for my seven hour flight back to Boston. I really loved British Airways. I had some good food and watched Now You See Me and The Heat. I finally landed around 10 pm in Boston where it was snowing and a lot colder than Rome. But I was really excited to be back to see everyone that I had missed!

One last picture of my apartment

Piazza di Santa Maria in Trastevere

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