Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shelby's Visit!

Shelby arrived on Thursday around 12:30 right as I (sadly) had to leave for class. Luckily, Rachel showed her the walk from our apartment to our school, so they met me at 2:20 when I finished my World Religions class. Together, we went to "the best gelato place in Rome" which is in Prati right by our school. My Italian teacher and I think Domina (if it is the same place) recommended this place and it really was delicious! Then, we did a little window shopping in Prati before heading back to CEA to show Shelby our school. To her, it seemed very small with only 2 classrooms and the lounge. Then, I had Italian class, so Shelby and Rachel explored by the river while they waited for me to head back after class. That night, we went back to Dar Poeta which was delicious yet again! It was so great to catch up and finally see Shelby again after last seeing her in June.
On Friday, we woke up and hit up most of the major sites: Piazza Navona, the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and Colosseum. We went inside the Pantheon which was very cool with the big open hole at the top of the structure. I was confused about what happens when it rains, but then we found the two small holes in the middle of the floor that act as drains. After the Trevi Fountain, we knew we were close to That's Amore, the restaurant that Domina worked at when she lived in Rome. We had some trouble finding it, but after asking three different people, we finally made it! I absolutely loved this restaurant. When we got there, there was a cooking class going on in the middle of the small restaurant. When my mom comes, I plan on taking a class. We told the people who worked there that Domina is my cousin and they were excited to hear that she is pregnant! I had a delicious carbonara and I cannot wait to go back to try something else. After the Colosseum, we stopped for some gelato and then rested at home. That night, we took Shelby to Tony's for dinner. Then, we got the infamous chocolate shots before showing her G Bar, where everyone always goes out in our neighborhood. Sadly, it was raining, so it was a lot less crowded than usual but at least we walked by and gave her a glimpse of Italian nightlife.

Top of the Pantheon

We finally found That's Amore!

Amazing Chicken Parm at Tony's

On Saturday, we slept in before heading to the Castel of St. Angelo. We paid 10.50 to go inside, which was really cool because I pass this castle everyday on my way to CEA, but I had never been inside until this day. There were multiple levels of the castle with great views of the city of Rome. Of course, the best view was at the top. After that, we got some lunch and then headed to the Spanish Steps for some pictures. We ended our day shopping along Via del Corso, where there are endless stores all along one main strip. That night, we skyped with Rachel (who was visiting PC) and Brigid! It was great to hear from them and find out what has been going on in their lives and what is happening at PC! They gave us a tour of what will be our apartment next semester. Then, we had our final dinner with Shelby at the restaurant behind our house. I had an amazing egg pasta dish with shrimp and zucchini flowers. We walked to Sweety Gelato for dessert and discussed our favorite parts of the weekend.
View from the Castle

Top of the Castle

Homemade Pasta!

I think we got a lot of good sightseeing in for Shelby in just a couple of days. I'm so glad she was able to visit us. Can't wait for Paris next weekend! I leave Thursday night. :)

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