Thursday, October 3, 2013

More on Churches and Food

I wanted to get in a blog post before this weekend because my friend Shelby is coming today from Limerick, so I know I will be busy. Since last Sunday, I have mostly been working on my difficult and boring research paper for my Church and its Major World Religions class, so I haven't done much besides a ton of reading and writing. Luckily, I just sent in my first draft of the paper to my teacher, so I can finally have some fun this weekend (before cramming and doing a ton of homework again on Sunday after Shelby leaves).
I did manage to have a few exciting moments this week, despite all the homework I had. First, on Sunday night, Rachel and I ventured out to try a frozen-yogurt-type gelato place called Sweety Gelato, where you choose your flavor of gelato and get to put on your own toppings. I saw an ad for this place on Facebook and realized that it is only a 0.4 mile walk from our apartment. Deadly... On a rainy Sunday night at 11:15, the place was swarmed with locals and stays open until 1:30 am. I got a delicious coffee and chocolate gelato with twix, a cookie, and multiple sauces on top. So good. I will be going back soon (probably this weekend with Shelby).
Sweety Gelato

Next, on Tuesday, my art history class visited the church of Santa Maria in Trastevere which is right near my apartment. Unfortunately, there was a convention going on inside the church so we didn't get to go inside, but since it is so close, I'm sure I will make it back. As a backup plan, my teacher brought us to the church of St. Cecilia, which is also in Trastevere. I enjoyed this church because it seemed more unique than the other churches I have seen here, with ancient columns combined with a later refurbished facade.
St. Cecilia

Inside St. Cecilia

On Wednesday, my New Testament class visited yet another church: Santa Maria Maggiore. This was definitely the most exciting site visit yet. The interior of the church is covered in gold and there are many images and dedications to the Virgin Mary. What was awesome about this visit is that a guide took us up onto the porch above the church to view the mosaics of the coronation. Then, we got to see a very cool ancient marble staircase. THEN, we got to go on the roof of the Church. And THEN, we went even further up by climbing another tight spiral staircase (it was kind of claustrophobic but it was so worth it). At the top of the stairs was an amazing view of the entire city of Rome. We could see the Wedding Cake and the Colosseum and the roofs of numerous other beautiful buildings. Apparently, this tour is not normally open to "tourists" but somehow our teacher got us this special privilege, so I am very grateful for this experience.
Santa Maria Maggiore

Inside the Church

On the rooftop

We walked along this bridge to get from one side of the rooftop to the next.

On Wednesday night, some of my roommates and I went out for dinner at a restaurant behind our apartment. The window in my bedroom looks right out at this restaurant, so Rachel and I always get whiffs of their delicious-smelling food. We have been dying to try it. It is called Osteria Ponte Sisto da Oliviero and we had a really great experience. I got tortellini with spinach and cheese which was good but not as exciting as what my roommates got. I had just been craving tortellini. But, Danielle got a delicious cacio e pepe dish and Emmy got fettuccine with tuna that looked and tasted amazing. Next time, I will branch out and order something more exciting.
Other than that, this week has been pretty boring but I cannot wait for Shelby to arrive in hopefully a few minutes! I'm so excited to show her around Rome!

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