Thursday, August 29, 2013


I can't believe I have made it to Rome!  I left Boston on Monday, August 26 at 2:40 pm after having a final American meal of blueberry buckle, eggs, and ham at Nanny's with my family, the Hays, and the Cronins.  I was feeling really nervous before the flight.  Hugging my mom goodbye made my eyes get a little watery but I didn't want to be crying alone in the airport so I pulled myself together.   Luckily, once I made it to my gate, I felt pretty calm and more excited about the experience.  My 45 minute flight to New York was easy but I became nervous again when it was delayed by 20 minutes.  It was supposed to arrive in NY by 4:05 and the delay made it 4:18 with my second flight to Rome at 5 and boarding at 4:20.  Once we landed, I was so nervous that I might miss my flight but I knew that other people from Boston were on the Rome flight.  Even though I was in row 24 out of 30, I waited for everyone in front of me to get off the plane before running to my new gate.  Thankfully, I made it to the gate as a large group of people was waiting to board the plane.  Rachel and I took this same plane together so I saw her once I got on and it was comforting to know that we would be arriving together.  She sat about 6 seats ahead of me.  I was just so happy to make it to the plane in order to start my journey.
On the plane, I sat next to an Italian girl and her father who were returning home with some other family members.  I later found out her name was Georgia (not sure if that is the Italian spelling for it) but at first she started talking to me in Italian.  I think she asked my name, but I didn't understand so I said, "I don't speak Italian." She said "English?" and I nodded.  I felt bad that I wasn't able to communicate with her and that the thought of sitting next to Italians on the flight hadn't crossed my mind.  So, I pulled out the booklet that came with a beginner's Italian learning disc my mom got a few weeks ago to try to ask Georgia a few questions.  I learned that she was 9 years old, and I told her I was 19.  She also does not live in Rome but I don't remember the name of where she lives.  As I looked at the book, she read with me over my shoulder.  On one page, she pointed to the word for "tall" (which I can't remember right now) and then pointed at me to say that I am tall.  I found the word for "short" and pointed at her.  It was nice to have this experience on my flight as a heads up about what it would be like upon my arrival in Rome.
Surprisingly, a lot more people than I imagined speak English here in Rome, since it is a big city with lots of tourists.  Despite this, I wish I had come here knowing a bit more Italian so I could communicate better with the locals.  I am able to pick up on some words because of my time spent at Grandma's house and the fact that I know French, but it is hard to put sentences together with grammar.  My Italian class is definitely the one that I look forward to the most because I want to get as much out of it as I can as quickly as possible!


  1. Ali - this is great! I'm so excited that you started this I think you'll have so many experiences and this will help you remember the details. I especially liked what you wrote about sitting next to the Italian girl - I was smiling!!
    I love you. Can't wait to read more.

  2. I love the photos that you added! It really gives me a sense of where you are/where you have been. I can't wait to see some Italian sites with you!
    It was really fun to see the group photo of you and your roommates. Now I'll have faces to go with their names.

  3. AWWWW that scene with Georgia is so cute!
